Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Beginning and the rebirth of shaving

So, this is going to be my way of keeping track of moments, a sort of chronicle of the here and now. I go through these phases of interest and thought it could be fun to keep of record of it.

That being said, I have been researching and really getting into the idea of using a double edged safety razor and the art of shaving. After reading about various razors, I am trying out two different styles. A couple of weeks ago I bought a Gillette SuperSpeed Flare Tip from the early 60's off ebay and am currently waiting on a Merkur 34C Heavy Duty, also purchased off ebay. I found some shaving soap at Central Market by Pre de Provence and located a silver tipped badger hair brush off of the Badger and Blade website. I went to the closest CVS and purchased a pack of double edged razors. This morning I started my adventure with the Gillette. I got the brush to work up a lather in the soap, which smelled real nice, and then applied it to my face in circular motions. I then applied the razor at about a 30 degree angle and started in short motions. It took a few slow, cautious pulls, and slowly got the feel for it, much different than my multiblade razor. I read that the weight of the head of the razor is what does the work, so I tried to not apply too much pressure. After about 10 minutes, I was finished with no damage as I had envisioned over the past few days a cut face with blood pouring out of every curve. The trickiest part was between the nose and the lip, as it takes a little maneuvering. I want to try an assortment of blades, I have read that the blades make all the difference, it's just a matter of finding one that works for your beard style. I will continue to update on the experiences, in case your wondering.